About the Consultants Physiotherapist Professional Network (CPPN)

The CPPN aims to strategically lead on the promotion and development of consultant physiotherapy practice for the advancement of the profession, healthcare, research, academic alliance, and the public.

the four pillars of practice plus consultancy
What is consultant physiotherapy practice?

Consultant physiotherapists work across the four pillars of practice whilst also offering the foundations for putting expertise in place across systems of health and social care, (consultancy).

Meet the first official CPPN executive team here

Our team of voluntary consultant physiotherapists have formed the first CPPN executive committee. We are proud to have consultants from a few months in practice to over 20 years!

As a professional network, we are keen to engage with current consultant physiotherapists, but also to support those who want to know more about the roles or who are aspiring to become consultant physiotherapists in the future.

As we grow the network, we will develop and provide resources to support these aims and will promote the consultant role through a range of educational and development events. 

We recognise that our equity, diversity and belonging representation needs to grow, as the committee grows, so it can represent the professionals we support. We also recognise that it must go beyond that to lead change in our profession so that it represents the communities we serve. We recognise the challenges we face in terms of diversity and inclusion at the top of our profession and we will work to address this as a priority, working with colleagues in other professional networks within and outside of physiotherapy. We are always looking for support in this area so if you feel you can offer this with an expert health population area outside of MSK or from any aspect of equity, diversity or belonging then please get in touch.

You can read the CPPN 2024 constitution here:

CPPN Constitution 2024


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