Wales Consultant Physiotherapists

Wales has a population of 3.1 million people and healthcare is provided by seven university health boards (UHB’S), and two trusts. These healthcare organisations are independent and as such there are differences between them as to whether there are consultant physiotherapy roles. Some health boards have up to three physiotherapists, some have none.

Wales has seven university healthcare boards and 2 trusts
Organisation structure of NHS Wales

Currently in Wales there are three consultant physiotherapists in the Swansea Bay UHB, three in the Betsi Cadwaladwr UHB, three in the Powys Teaching HB, three in the Cardiff and Vale UHB and one in the Aneurin Bevan UHB. These consultant posts cover stroke, intensive care medicine, long term conditions, primary and community complex care and musculoskeletal.

There has been a positive step forward in Wales with the publication of a framework that aims to support Enhanced, Advanced and Consultant Clinical roles

Alongside the framework there is a Portfolio guidance

Portfolio Guidance for Enhanced, Advanced, and Consultant Clinical Practice in Wales (


The PRIORITY project: developing an action plan for optimising and realising research capability for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions in Wales.

The Wales Chief Nursing Officer, Chief Allied Health Professions Advisor and Chief Advisor of Research and Development/Director of Health and Care Research Wales in Welsh Government, have committed to publish a strategic action plan for research for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals. This plan will cover both the academic and practice landscape in Wales to harness the collective capacity of the professions for optimal impact to research development and delivery.

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